February 24, 2025

Two Poets Sentenced to Flogging and Nine and Eleven Years in Prison

OCTOBER 14, 2015

Forced Confessions Used as Primary Evidence in Convictions
October 14, 2015—A Tehran Revolutionary Court has sentenced the poets Fatemeh Ekhtesari and Mehdi Moosavi to 9 years and 6 months and 99 lashes, and 11 years and 99 lashes, respectively, on charges of “insulting the sacred” for the social criticism expressed in their poetry.
The flogging […]

Side with Mullahs and Tyrants for Immunity in US Elections!

Apologies to US Supporters of MEK: Never Support Democracy and Freedom

Monday, 19 March 2012 07:57

Scoop Independent News – Steffen Hues 19 March 2012 What could be the reason for Nazi style defamation against certain line of US politicians who have spoken for basic American values: Democracy and Independence?
They are either driven by expedient actions guided primarily by […]

Report: The Latest IAEA Report on Iran’s Nuclear Activities

November 09, 2011
Read the latest IAEA report on Iran’s nuclear activities. The report, released on Tuesday, states that Tehran appears to have worked on designing an atomic bomb and may still be conducting secret research.

Iranian Americans call on U.S. to protect Iranian exiles in Iraq

Iranian Americans call on U.S. to protect Iranian exiles in Iraq
The Washington Post
By Katherine Shaver,
October 22, 2011
Hundreds of Iranian Americans rallied outside the White House on Saturday, saying they’re worried that the Obama administration’s newly announced plan to withdraw U.S. troops from Iraq by year’s end will leave 3,400 Iranian exiles vulnerable in a settlement […]

Tehran’s Nuclear Bazaar Despite sanctions; the world attends the Iran Oil Show.

To assess U.S. efforts to halt Iran’s imperial ambitions, you can look to the city of Natanz, where the Iranian regime is firing up a new generation of centrifuges, or to Syria, where its client regime is shooting democrats in the streets. Then there’s Tehran International Fairground, which this week is doing a bang-up business.
From […]

Tehran’s Strategic Defeat in Iraq

Huffington Post
Alireza Jafarzadeh
Author, The Iran Threat
Posted: April 6, 2010
The March 7 parliamentary elections have heralded a new era for Iraq, pushing aside the incumbent Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki and officials with ties to Iran while opening way for a new slate of politicians hoping to mend serious sectarian divides. But, as a U.S. military official […]

Editorial: Camp Ashraf

In a letter to a British parliamentarian last month, a senior State Department official insisted that the United States was “doing its utmost” to ensure that Iraq’s government would treat 3,400 Iranian exiles living at Camp Ashraf in eastern Iraq “humanely.” Two weeks later, a clash between the exiles and Iraqi police left 11 Iranians […]

Iran Watch – February 9th, 2009

[spoiler title=”Iran: A young man sentenced to a barbaric punishment of having his eyes blinded by Sulfuric acid”]February 5, 2009
NCRI website
NCRI – The Iranian regime’s Supreme Court approved a barbaric sentence of blinding the eyes of a young man by pouring Sulfuric acid in his eyes. Mullahs’ judiciary in Tehran had earlier sentenced the 27-year-old […]

Iran Top Threat To Iraq, U.S. Says

Washington Post
Karen DeYoung
Washington Post Staff Writer
Posted: April 12, 2008
Last week’s violence in Basra and Baghdad has convinced the Bush administration that actions by Iran, and not al-Qaeda, are the primary threat inside Iraq, and has sparked a broad reassessment of policy in the region, according to senior U.S. officials.
Evidence of an increase in Iranian weapons, […]

The only Iran war is within Iran

The Christian Science Monitor
Posted: December 20, 2007

The world put Iran’s Islamic rulers on notice this week, and not for violating nuclear norms. The 192-member United Nations General Assembly voted its “deep concern” over escalating atrocities in Iran, such as stoning, repression of female dissidents, and persecution of human rights defenders.
The government’s mounting campaign against its […]