March 9, 2025

Panel to Consider Bill Tightening Sanctions Against Iran

By Colby Itkowitz
CQ Staff
The House Financial Services Committee will mark up a bill Wednesday that would tighten economic sanctions against Iran .
The bill (HR2347) would require publishing names of international companies that invest more than $20 million in Iran’s oil and gas industries. Local and state governments and businesses could choose not to invest in […]

Appeasing the Ayatollahs and the Perils of Ignoring History

Dr. Majid Sadeghpour
It was June 8, 2000; the United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) was the venue. “Iran is still the most egregious state-sponsor of terrorism, despite the election of a reformist president. Elements of the Iranian Government use terrorism as a policy tool, assassinating Iranian dissidents at home and abroad and giving […]

NCPDA Statement – May 31, 2006

NCPDA Statement
National Coalition of Pro-democracy Advocates
Contact: 202-487-6989
May 31, 2006
Talk and Engagement will not change the Mullahs Disposition
In a news conference yesterday, Dr. Rice, the U.S. Secretary of State announced that the United States will
hold direct talks with the Mullahs if they fully and verifiably suspend all of their nuclear enrichment activities. Under the Mullahs rule, […]