February 24, 2025

Bipartisan Senate Coalition Urges President: Sanction Iran Now

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senators John McCain (R-AZ), Evan Bayh (D-IN), Jon Kyl (R-AZ), Joe Lieberman (I-CT), Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Robert Casey (D-PA), Johnny Isakson (R-GA), Ben Cardin (D-MD), and David Vitter (R-LA) sent a letter to President Obama today, warning that his own year-end deadline for diplomacy with Iran has now expired, and that it […]

Transcript of Obama remarks on airline security and terror watch lists President Obama’s remarks Monday about airline security and this weekend’s protests in Iran

The Washington Post
December 28, 2009
Good morning, everybody. I wanted to take just a few minutes to update the American people on the attempted terrorist attack that occurred on Christmas Day and the steps we’re taking to ensure the safety and security of the country.
Before I leave, let me also briefly address the events that have […]

Iran Watch – December 29, 2008

[spoiler title=”UN General Assembly condemns rights abuses in Iran”]
December 19, 2008
Iran Focus
London, Dec. 19 – The United Nations General Assembly accused Iran on Thursday of continuing the practice of torture and punishments such as flogging, stoning and amputation of limbs. The UNGA adopted a Canadian-sponsored resolution by a vote of 69 in favour to 54 […]

Iran Watch – October 30, 2007

[spoiler title=”Iranian Revolutionary Guards are Terrorists as Designated”]
NCPDA Statement
October 27, 2007
A 3 decades long wish of the Iranian people has come to pass, and a step forward towards democracy in Iran has been taken. After decades of unabated oppression, terrorism, and murder, Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) and its Qods Force are at last recognized […]

NCPDA Statement – October 27, 2007

NCPDA Statement
Contact: Nasser Rashidi
Dir. Tel: 202-487-6989
October 27, 2007
Iranian Revolutionary Guards are Terrorists as Designated
A 3 decades old wish of the Iranian people has come to pass, and a step forward towards democracy in Iran has been taken. After decades of unabated oppression, terrorism, and murder, Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) and its Qods Force are […]

Mullahs Enrich Fundamentalism – An Interview with Mr. Nasser Rashidi

An Interview with Mr. Nasser Rashidi
Executive Director, NCPDA
April 30, 2006
Our colleague Mr. Abraham Beparva had an interview with Mr. Nasser Rashidi, the speaker for National Coalition of Pro-Democracy Advocates in Iran. He is familiar with threats of Islamic Fundamentalism and will elaborate on the topic. In this segment of our program we would like to […]

Iran: The Rise of the Revolutionary Guard and State-Sponsorship of Terror

Nasser Rashidi
A few years ago, the world was awakened to the dangers of the mullahs’ nuclear program by an opposition group. Since then,
faced with more recent regional events, international consciousness has come to better appreciate the extent of Iran’s
involvement in terrorist activities abroad, its nuclear ambitions, and its interference in Iraq, Lebanon and Israel-Palestine. It
was […]

NCPDA Statement – March 9, 2004

NCPDA Statement
Contact: 202-487-6989
The National Coalition of Pro-Democracy Advocates
March 9, 2004
Iran continues to be the largest prison for the media reporters.
Reports of arrest and harassment of the press reporters and writers have become a common news in the Islamic Republic of Iran.
ISNA news: Circuit court 26 has sentences Mr. Saeed Madani, a writer for Iran Farda, […]

VOA Interview with Mr. Nasser Rashidi – The Earthquake in Bam

This interview was originally conducted in Persian. It has been translated to English by NCPDA volunteers
Text of Voice of America (VOA) interview with Executive Director of NCPDA
On November 29th, 2003, the UN Third Committee, the human rights advocate branch of the UN, passed the Canadian-drafted resolution that was co-sponsored by the United States and ten […]