February 24, 2025

The only Iran war is within Iran

The Christian Science Monitor
Posted: December 20, 2007

The world put Iran’s Islamic rulers on notice this week, and not for violating nuclear norms. The 192-member United Nations General Assembly voted its “deep concern” over escalating atrocities in Iran, such as stoning, repression of female dissidents, and persecution of human rights defenders.
The government’s mounting campaign against its […]

NCPDA Statement – May 21, 2004

NCPDA Statement
Contact: 202-487-6989
National Coalition of Pro-democracy Advocates
May 21, 2004
Intensified Repression and Public Executions as Uprising Anniversary Nears
As Iran nears the students uprising anniversary, the government there intensifies its repression to contain and control protests.
The judiciary people have chosen torture and public execution as the only means to deal with protesters. The daily conducts of the […]