March 9, 2025

NCPDA Statement – November 26, 2007

NCPDA Statement
Contact: Nasser Rashidi
Dir. Tel: 202-487-6989
November 26, 2007
U.N. Third Committee Approves Draft Resolution Expressing Serious Concern About Human Rights Situation in Iran
On October 25, United Nations Third Committee on human rights passed a draft resolution expressing “deep concern” at ongoing human rights violations in Iran. Earlier (on October 18) Amnesty International (AI) had issued a […]

NCPDA Statement – October 27, 2007

NCPDA Statement
Contact: Nasser Rashidi
Dir. Tel: 202-487-6989
October 27, 2007
Iranian Revolutionary Guards are Terrorists as Designated
A 3 decades old wish of the Iranian people has come to pass, and a step forward towards democracy in Iran has been taken. After decades of unabated oppression, terrorism, and murder, Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) and its Qods Force are […]

NCPDA Statement – August 24th, 2007

NCPDA Statement
Contact: Nasser Rashidi
Dir. Tel: 202-487-6989
August 24th, 2007
The Fate of Iraqi Democracy in the Hands of an Extremist Government
It has become abundantly clear the Mr. Malaki’s government has failed to embrace democratic virtues and bring about reconciliation and peace to Iraq. Senator Carl Levin and Senator John Warner have offered the most unambiguous assessment of […]

NCPDA Statement – July 30, 2007

NCPDA Statement
Contact: Nasser Rashidi
Dir. Tel: 202-487-6989
July 30, 2007
Encouraging Signs: Divestment from and Democracy for Iran
The United House of Representatives has begun debate on legislation requiring divestiture of current investments in Iran. Led by bipartisan group of representatives including Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Tom Lantos, Subcommittee Chair, Brad Sherman, and ranking republican Ms. Ros-Lehtinen, U.S. Congress […]

NCPDA Statement – May 25, 2007

NCPDA Statement
Contact: Nasser Rashidi
Dir. Tel: 202-487-6989
May 25, 2007
Oppression of Women and Spread of Islamic Extremism
In recent months, the Iranian women have been the subject of an alarmingly violent crackdown on their basic human rights. Pictures and the story of bloodied and harassed Iranian women fill the pages of many website, blogs, and news outlets (Middle […]

NCPDA Statement – May 21, 2007

NCPDA Statement
Contact: Nasser Rashidi
Dir. Tel: 202-487-6989
May 21, 2007
Iran Needs Oppression to Advance its Foreign Policy
As predicted, Iranian president Ahmadinejad’s reign in power has coincided with a sharp increase in the number of Iranians executed, arrested, and or harassed. In recent month, Iranians are witness to almost daily news of public hangings, limb amputations, and alike.
On […]

NCPDA Statement – May 18, 2007

NCPDA Statement
Contact: Nasser Rashidi
Dir. Tel: 202-487-6989
May 18, 2007
Escalating Oppression, Executions, and Other Human Rights Violations Amidst Iranian Regime-US Dialogue
Lost in the frenzy of interest and the misplaced hopes surrounding the upcoming US-Iran meeting is the unspeakable suffering of the Iranian people and the Ahmadinejad lead reign of terror.
Proponents of “constructive” dialogue with the tyrannical regime […]

Voice of America’s Live interview with Nasser Rashidi

VOA Host: Normally at this point in the program we pose a question to the listeners and ask them to respond to us within 30 minutes. Since you have not heard the question yet and are here as our guest and expert, let me ask you the same thing: “The committee for the defense of […]

Iranian Mullahs Move To Consolidate Power

By Nasser Rashidi
Iran is on the verge of being referred to the United Nations Security Council for its now well-documented violations of the
international nuclear proliferation treaties. Simultaneously, the Canadian government has again sponsored a draft U.N.
resolution citing specific cases of human rights violations by the fundamentalist regime of Iran. For the past 25 years, the
international […]

Iranian Mullahs Move To Consolidate Power

By Nasser Rashidi
Iran is on the verge of being referred to the United Nations Security Council for its now well-documented violations of the
international nuclear proliferation treaties. Simultaneously, the Canadian government has again sponsored a draft U.N.
resolution citing specific cases of human rights violations by the fundamentalist regime of Iran. For the past 25 years, the
international […]