February 24, 2025

To only say Iranian nukes are unacceptable is to accept them

The Washington Post
By William Kristol
Sunday, March 28, 2010; A15
In March 1936, Hitler occupied the Rhineland. The French prime minister, Leon Blum, denounced the act as “unacceptable.” But France, Britain and the rest of the world accepted it. Years later, the French political thinker Raymond Aron commented, “To say that something is unacceptable was to […]

What to do about the Iranian threat

By Alireza Jafarzadeh
A multitude of foreign policy challenges, perhaps chief among them how to deal with the ayatollahs’ regime in Iran, awaits President-elect Barack Obama.
The global consequences of a nuclear-armed theocratic regime with an extremist, expansionist ideology were not lost on candidate Obama. He expressed a keen awareness that as president he must confront Tehran’s […]

Iran Looms As Nuclear Party Crasher

Few crises are more dangerous than a forced entry into the nuclear weapons club by an outlier nation. Iran seems determined to
ruin the honeymoon of the next American president by doing just that. 
Saturday, Aug. 2, 2008
by James KitfieldMissiles flare through the skies above Iran. U.S. and British warships stage all-hands-on-deck maneuvers in the Persian Gulf. […]

Iran Watch – February 8, 2008

[spoiler title=”U.S. spy chief retreats on Iran estimate”]
The New York Sun
Staff Reporter of the Sun
WASHINGTON – The director of national intelligence is backing away from his agency’s assessment late last year that Iran had halted its nuclear program, saying he wishes he had written the unclassified version of the document in a different […]

Iran Watch – December 7, 2007

[spoiler title=”The flaws in the Iran report”]
The Washington Post
By John R. Bolton
Thursday, December 6, 2007; Page A29
Rarely has a document from the supposedly hidden world of intelligence had such an impact as the National Intelligence Estimate released this week. Rarely has an administration been so unprepared for such an event. And rarely have vehement critics […]