March 9, 2025

Can the Obama administration deliver the tough Iran sanctions it has pledged?

IRAN HAS finally offered its response to an international call for negotiations on its nuclear program, ahead of a late September deadline set by the Obama administration. But the “package of proposals” Tehran delivered to representatives of the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council and Germany on Wednesday did not even address its continuing […]

NCPDA Statement – June 19, 2009

NCPDA Statement
Contact: Nasser Rashidi
Dir. Tel: 202-487-6989
June 19, 2009
In Solidarity with the Iranian People & their Rejection of the Clerical Regime
In solidarity with the Iranian people, the National Coalition of Pro-Democracy Advocates (NCPDA) denounces the sham Iranian “presidential election” and regime’s violent response in its aftermath. The disturbing pictures of post June 12, 2009 election in […]

Iran Watch – February 2, 2009

[spoiler title=”Iran’s Ahmadinejad Endorses Another Holocaust Denial Conference”]
By Larry Derfner, Mideast Watch
The Obama administration’s expressed intention to try direct diplomacy with Iran has been rebuffed, at least publicly, by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who demanded an American “apology” for past injustices against his nation. Now, in another statement unlikely to win friends in Washington (not […]

Amid Iran’s tests, Signs of Weakness

The Christian Science Monitor
Howard LaFranchi, Staff writer of the Christian Science Monitor
Posted: July 11, 2008

With Iran reporting a second day of missile tests this week, it appears to be intent upon signaling to its adversaries – primarily the United States and Israel – that it is prepared to meet and match both provocations and any […]

Iran Watch – January 24, 2008

[spoiler title=”Iran Solution: Empower This Opposition Group”]
by Lord Corbett
Human Events
While Americans are busy choosing their next President, the incumbent has been touring the Middle East in the hope of establishing peace and promoting democracy. But peace and stability in that troubled part of the world are not possible for so long as Iran is ruled […]

Iran Watch – January 18, 2008

[spoiler title=”OP-ED: Baroness Gibson of Market Rasen”]
Middle East Times
January 17, 2008
West should tackle Iran’s ruthless rulers:
Throughout recent years the Iranian regime and its activities in relation to terrorism and nuclear weapons have caused frenzy across not only the political world, but also the media. However, the evil nature of this regime should not be anything […]

Iran Watch – November 16, 2007

[spoiler title=”Ayad Allawi: PMOI’s presence is in accordance with Iraqi values and principles”]

Mr. Ayad Allawi, The former Iraq prime minister, and leader of the Iraqi National Accord in an interview with Al-Zaman daily, said that Iranian regime’s meddling in Iraq are dangerous and emphasized on the legitimacy of presence of the Peoples Mojahedin of Iran […]

Iran Watch – November 9, 2007

[spoiler title=”The Bush-Sarkozy Agenda for Iran?”]

by Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney and Raymond Tanter
Human Events
In 1776, Benjamin Franklin went to Paris as America’s first ambassador to gain support for American independence. Franklin convinced Paris to recognize U.S. independence and concluded an alliance. Scholar Leo Lemay wrote: “There is no doubt that America would not have won […]

Panel to Consider Bill Tightening Sanctions Against Iran

By Colby Itkowitz
CQ Staff
The House Financial Services Committee will mark up a bill Wednesday that would tighten economic sanctions against Iran .
The bill (HR2347) would require publishing names of international companies that invest more than $20 million in Iran’s oil and gas industries. Local and state governments and businesses could choose not to invest in […]

Mullahs Enrich Fundamentalism – An Interview with Mr. Nasser Rashidi

An Interview with Mr. Nasser Rashidi
Executive Director, NCPDA
April 30, 2006
Our colleague Mr. Abraham Beparva had an interview with Mr. Nasser Rashidi, the speaker for National Coalition of Pro-Democracy Advocates in Iran. He is familiar with threats of Islamic Fundamentalism and will elaborate on the topic. In this segment of our program we would like to […]