February 24, 2025

Iran Watch – December 22, 2008

[spoiler title=”Court declines French, EU PMOI challenge”]
December 19, 2008
LUXEMBOURG, Dec. 19 (UPI) — A European court in Luxembourg issued a ruling in favor of the People’s Mujahedin of Iran, declining a challenge to maintain the group on state terrorist lists. The European Court of First Instance declined a request by the European Union and the […]

Iranian Resistance Group Criticizes Iraq’s Efforts to Expel It

By Sam Dagher
New York Times
BAGHDAD — An Iranian resistance group on Monday condemned a renewed push by the Iraqi government to deport its members as a result of undue Iranian influence.
Some 3,800 members of the group, the People’s Mujahedeen, live in a fenced-off camp north of Baghdad, where they have enjoyed the protection of the […]

Iran Watch – May 2, 2008

[spoiler title=”War with Iran: Closer than Ever”]
Dan Rabkin
Global Politician
The National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), the Iranian Opposition’s parliament-in-exile, is one anti- regime organization worthy of Western support.
The NCRI’s 500+ members represent varying political tendencies and ethnic/religious groups within Iran. Kurds, Baluchis, Turkmens, Arabs, Sunni Muslims, Christians, Jews, and Zoroastrians all have representation, […]

Exile group claims Iran is developing nuclear warheads

The Iranian opposition group that first exposed Iran’s controversial nuclear-fuel program has given the United Nations’ nuclear watchdog details of what the group says is a working nuclear-warhead-development facility.
The facility at Khojir, a defense-ministry missile-research site on the southeast edge of Tehran, is developing a nuclear warhead for use on Iranian medium-range missiles, […]

Iran Watch – February 1, 2008

[spoiler title=”Sanctions coupled with support for the Iranian people to bring democracy to Iran”]
By David Amess, British MP
January 26, 2008 The Conservative Home
Tensions between Iran and the international community have always been over the three major issues of human rights abuses, the Iranian regime’s widespread support for terrorism, and its nuclear weapons programme. The latter […]

Iranians named over Buenos Aires bombing

Iran Focus
Tim Shipman & Phillip Sherwell
The Sunday Telegraph
Posted: November 11, 2007

Iran’s deputy defence minister is one of five top Teheran officials placed on Interpol’s most wanted list for the 1994 bombing of a Jewish centre in Argentina that killed 85 people, The Telegraph can reveal.
Ahmad Vahidi, a brigadier-general in the elite Islamic Revolutionary Guards, […]

Iran Watch – September 24, 2007

[spoiler title=”Iran is Ready for Change”]

By Joseph Puder
Monday, September 24, 2007
Alireza Jafarzadeh, president of the Washington- based Strategic Policy Consulting Inc. and spokesperson for the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), was the guest of the Middle East Forum at Philadelphia’s Cozen O’Connor law offices last Wednesday over lunch. Bob Guzzardi, Esq. chairman of […]

Iranian Mullahs Move To Consolidate Power

By Nasser Rashidi
Iran is on the verge of being referred to the United Nations Security Council for its now well-documented violations of the
international nuclear proliferation treaties. Simultaneously, the Canadian government has again sponsored a draft U.N.
resolution citing specific cases of human rights violations by the fundamentalist regime of Iran. For the past 25 years, the
international […]

Iranian Mullahs Move To Consolidate Power

By Nasser Rashidi
Iran is on the verge of being referred to the United Nations Security Council for its now well-documented violations of the
international nuclear proliferation treaties. Simultaneously, the Canadian government has again sponsored a draft U.N.
resolution citing specific cases of human rights violations by the fundamentalist regime of Iran. For the past 25 years, the
international […]

Iran: The Rise of the Revolutionary Guard and State-Sponsorship of Terror

Nasser Rashidi
A few years ago, the world was awakened to the dangers of the mullahs’ nuclear program by an opposition group. Since then,
faced with more recent regional events, international consciousness has come to better appreciate the extent of Iran’s
involvement in terrorist activities abroad, its nuclear ambitions, and its interference in Iraq, Lebanon and Israel-Palestine. It
was […]