March 9, 2025

NCPDA Statement – October 27, 2007

NCPDA Statement
Contact: Nasser Rashidi
Dir. Tel: 202-487-6989
October 27, 2007
Iranian Revolutionary Guards are Terrorists as Designated
A 3 decades old wish of the Iranian people has come to pass, and a step forward towards democracy in Iran has been taken. After decades of unabated oppression, terrorism, and murder, Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) and its Qods Force are […]

NCPDA Statement – July 30, 2007

NCPDA Statement
Contact: Nasser Rashidi
Dir. Tel: 202-487-6989
July 30, 2007
Encouraging Signs: Divestment from and Democracy for Iran
The United House of Representatives has begun debate on legislation requiring divestiture of current investments in Iran. Led by bipartisan group of representatives including Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Tom Lantos, Subcommittee Chair, Brad Sherman, and ranking republican Ms. Ros-Lehtinen, U.S. Congress […]

NCPDA Statement – May 31, 2006

NCPDA Statement
National Coalition of Pro-democracy Advocates
Contact: 202-487-6989
May 31, 2006
Talk and Engagement will not change the Mullahs Disposition
In a news conference yesterday, Dr. Rice, the U.S. Secretary of State announced that the United States will
hold direct talks with the Mullahs if they fully and verifiably suspend all of their nuclear enrichment activities. Under the Mullahs rule, […]

Mullahs Enrich Fundamentalism – An Interview with Mr. Nasser Rashidi

An Interview with Mr. Nasser Rashidi
Executive Director, NCPDA
April 30, 2006
Our colleague Mr. Abraham Beparva had an interview with Mr. Nasser Rashidi, the speaker for National Coalition of Pro-Democracy Advocates in Iran. He is familiar with threats of Islamic Fundamentalism and will elaborate on the topic. In this segment of our program we would like to […]

An Invterview with Dr. Haydar Akbari (NCPDA Chairman) and Mr. Nasser Rashidi

Voice of America Interview
This interview was originally conducted in Persian. It has been translated to English by NCPDA volunteers
Interview was primarily in Farsi, and was later translated to English by NCPDA’s volunteers.
The following interview was performed at 9:30pm Sat Dec. 27th and was broadcast live for one hour. The sound
byte of this interview is available […]

An Invterview with Dr. Haydar Akbari (NCPDA Chairman) and Mr. Nasser Rashidi

This interview was originally conducted in Persian. It has been translated to English by NCPDA volunteers
Interview was primarily in Farsi, and was later translated to English by NCPDA’s volunteers.
The following interview was performed at 9:30pm Sat Dec. 27th and was broadcast live for one hour. The sound byte of this interview is available on VOA’s […]

Future Prospect, What to do?

Interview with Dr. Haydar Akbari, MD and Radiologist, and chairman of National Coalition for Pro-Democracy Advocates in Iran from the State of California.
Ebrahim Biparva, Host: … Would you please explain that how inclusive your coalition is? In the sense that are you willing to have alliance with all Iranians? Such as those who do not […]

NCPDA Statement – May 21, 2004

NCPDA Statement
Contact: 202-487-6989
National Coalition of Pro-democracy Advocates
May 21, 2004
Intensified Repression and Public Executions as Uprising Anniversary Nears
As Iran nears the students uprising anniversary, the government there intensifies its repression to contain and control protests.
The judiciary people have chosen torture and public execution as the only means to deal with protesters. The daily conducts of the […]

NCPDA Statement – May 10, 2004

NCPDA Statement
Contact: 202-487-6989
National Coalition of Pro-Democracy Advocates
May 10, 2004
Prison Sentences for University Students
Mohades (a member of the University Disciplinary Committee): A great majority of students’ offenses have been political offenses.
In recent days, a large number of students have been arrested, imprisoned, or interrogated in Tehran, Ghazvin, Karaj, Zanjan, and Yazd.
In […]

NCPDA Press Release – April 24, 2004

NCPDA Press Release
Contact: 202-487-6989
National Coalition of Pro-democracy Advocates
April 24, 2004
The European lead appeasement of ruling dictatorship let Iran off the hook
Regretfully, the United Nations Commission on Human Rights in its annual session in Geneva has failed to fulfill her fundamental function of protection of basic human rights of people of Iran and condemn the most […]