March 9, 2025

Tehran’s Nuclear Bazaar Despite sanctions; the world attends the Iran Oil Show.

To assess U.S. efforts to halt Iran’s imperial ambitions, you can look to the city of Natanz, where the Iranian regime is firing up a new generation of centrifuges, or to Syria, where its client regime is shooting democrats in the streets. Then there’s Tehran International Fairground, which this week is doing a bang-up business.
From […]

Human bargaining chips in deals with Iran: Bernd Debusman

By Bernd Debusmann
WASHINGTON, Aug 20 (Reuters) – Seven summers ago, in a crowded conference room of a Washington hotel, an Iranian exile leader gave the first detailed public account of Iran’s until-then secret nuclear projects at the cities of Natanz and Arak. It greatly turned up the volume of a seemingly endless international […]

Iran Watch – February 8, 2008

[spoiler title=”U.S. spy chief retreats on Iran estimate”]
The New York Sun
Staff Reporter of the Sun
WASHINGTON – The director of national intelligence is backing away from his agency’s assessment late last year that Iran had halted its nuclear program, saying he wishes he had written the unclassified version of the document in a different […]