February 24, 2025

US Says Iraq Won’t Force Rebel Group Back to Iran

By David Gollust
Voice of America
The State Department said Wednesday that Iraq has assured the United States it will not forcibly repatriate members of an Iranian rebel group that has been based in Iraq since the Saddam Hussein era. The status of about 3,500 members of the Iranian exile group, the Mujaheddin-e Khalq, or […]

Iranian Resistance Group Criticizes Iraq’s Efforts to Expel It

By Sam Dagher
New York Times
BAGHDAD — An Iranian resistance group on Monday condemned a renewed push by the Iraqi government to deport its members as a result of undue Iranian influence.
Some 3,800 members of the group, the People’s Mujahedeen, live in a fenced-off camp north of Baghdad, where they have enjoyed the protection of the […]

Report to Congress on the Situation in Iraq

General David H. Petraeus
Commander, Multi-National Force–Iraq
8-9 April 2008
Mr. Chairman, Ranking Member, Members of the Committee, thank you for the opportunity to
provide an update on the security situation in Iraq and to discuss the recommendations I recently
provided to my chain of command.
Since Ambassador Crocker and I appeared before you seven months ago, there has been significant […]