February 24, 2025

Two Iranian Men Indicted for Deploying Ransomware to Extort Hospitals, Municipalities, and Public Institutions, Causing Over $30 Million in Losses

“Acting From Inside Iran,” Iranian regime agents Indicted Today Deployed Ransomware to Extort U.S. Hospitals, Municipalities, and Public Institutions, Causing Over $30 Million in Losses.
Justice Department Briefing, November 28, 2018

Assistant Attorney General Brian A. Benczkowski Delivers Remarks at the “SamSam” Ransomware Press Conference
Washington, DC ~ Wednesday, November 28, 2018. Remarks: https://www.justice.gov/opa/speech/assistant-attorney-general-brian-benczkowski-delivers-remarks-samsam-ransomware-press

Department of Justice
Office of Public Affairs

Trump’s targeting of Iran comes as Islamic leaders torture and kill 8,000 protesters

By Rowan Scarborough – The Washington Times – Tuesday, January 16, 2018
Iran’s rulers have in icted death by torture and gun re on citizen protesters in a crackdown since the Dec. 28 street uprising erupted, the main opposition group said Tuesday.
The Europe-based National Council of Resistance of Iran says the Islamic republic’s ubiquitous security apparatus […]

NYC Rally: No to Rouhani, Time for a Free Iran


August 10, 2017
 New York City; August 10, 2017 – Thousands of Iranian-Americans will gather in New York City to protest Iranian regime president Hassan Rouhani’s presence at the United Nations General Assembly, and call for regime change in Iran.  Organized by the Association of Iranian Americans in New York (AIAINY), a member of the Organization of Iranian […]

Turkish intelligence: Iranian businessman sent $1.5M for assassination of Saudi envoy

Turkish intelligence: Iranian businessman sent $1.5M for assassination of Saudi envoy
An Iranian businessman has been accused of paying $1.5 million to fund the assassination of the Saudi ambassador to the US.
Reza Zarrab is suspected of sending the money to US-Iranian citizen Manssour Arbabsiar, who was sentenced to 25 years in prison in May 2013 for […]

Changed Circumstances – (PMOI, 2001 to present)

At an Extraordinary Congress held in June 2001, the PMOI took the unilateral decision to end the organisation’s military activities inside Iran. The decision was ratified by two Ordinary Congresses in early September 2001 and 2003. Although all Congresses were minuted, only the minutes of the 2003 Congress survived.
The PMOI’s operational units in Iran were […]

Tehran’s Nuclear Bazaar Despite sanctions; the world attends the Iran Oil Show.

To assess U.S. efforts to halt Iran’s imperial ambitions, you can look to the city of Natanz, where the Iranian regime is firing up a new generation of centrifuges, or to Syria, where its client regime is shooting democrats in the streets. Then there’s Tehran International Fairground, which this week is doing a bang-up business.
From […]

Iran’s nuclear program: Is regime change the way to stop it?

While Obama officials tout tougher sanctions to get Iranians to the negotiating table, foreign policy conservatives are looking to revive regime change as the way to stop Iran’s nuclear program.
By Howard LaFranchi,
December 17, 2010
Washington —
US foreign policy conservatives are pressing for a new approach to Iran that ramps up support for the Iranian opposition and […]

To only say Iranian nukes are unacceptable is to accept them

The Washington Post
By William Kristol
Sunday, March 28, 2010; A15
In March 1936, Hitler occupied the Rhineland. The French prime minister, Leon Blum, denounced the act as “unacceptable.” But France, Britain and the rest of the world accepted it. Years later, the French political thinker Raymond Aron commented, “To say that something is unacceptable was to […]

U.S. reportedly gives billions to firms doing business with Iranian regime

Monday, 08 March 2010
Washington (Reuters) – The U.S. government, while pushing for tougher sanctions against Tehran, has given $107 billion in the past 10 years to U.S. and foreign companies doing business in Iran, much of it in the energy sector, the New York Times reported in its Sunday editions.
Despite the threat of punishment for […]

Intensify pressure to control Iran threat

By Lord David Waddington
As the Obama administration works to increase international pressure on Iran over its continued nuclear defiance, it is paramount that the threat posed by the Iranian regime is dealt with on more than one front. If we are to put a meaningful political and economic squeeze on Tehran’s leaders, we cannot afford […]