February 24, 2025

Nasser Sharif: Iranian opposition isn’t terrorist

Nasser Sharif
OC Register
The most noble of all activism is that which pursues peace. As humanity struggles with war, terrorism, and threat of nuclear proliferation, peaceful movements must not succumb to a limited vision or be passive. Peace requires activism against tyrants and warmongers because failure to do so will invite war. America’s standoff with Iran […]

America’s misguided blacklist

By David Waddington, Peter Archer and Robin Corbett
If there is one issue that has dominated discussions among policymakers on both sides of the Atlantic, it is the devilish question of how to deal with an Iranian regime that has continued to frustrate the democratic ambitions of its people while meddling in the affairs of other […]

NCPDA Statement – November 26, 2007

NCPDA Statement
Contact: Nasser Rashidi
Dir. Tel: 202-487-6989
November 26, 2007
U.N. Third Committee Approves Draft Resolution Expressing Serious Concern About Human Rights Situation in Iran
On October 25, United Nations Third Committee on human rights passed a draft resolution expressing “deep concern” at ongoing human rights violations in Iran. Earlier (on October 18) Amnesty International (AI) had issued a […]

Iran Watch – October 30, 2007

[spoiler title=”Iranian Revolutionary Guards are Terrorists as Designated”]
NCPDA Statement
October 27, 2007
A 3 decades long wish of the Iranian people has come to pass, and a step forward towards democracy in Iran has been taken. After decades of unabated oppression, terrorism, and murder, Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) and its Qods Force are at last recognized […]

NCPDA Statement – October 27, 2007

NCPDA Statement
Contact: Nasser Rashidi
Dir. Tel: 202-487-6989
October 27, 2007
Iranian Revolutionary Guards are Terrorists as Designated
A 3 decades old wish of the Iranian people has come to pass, and a step forward towards democracy in Iran has been taken. After decades of unabated oppression, terrorism, and murder, Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) and its Qods Force are […]

Iran Watch – September 7, 2007

[spoiler title=”Iraq, MEK and US Retreat”]
by James Zumwalt
Human Events
For 17 years before the US invasion of Iraq, a lion roamed the border, foraging into Iran on occasion before returning to its Iraqi safe haven. Its prey was the Iranian mullahs’ elite military force — the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). It enjoyed tremendous hunting prowess, […]

NCPDA Statement – August 24th, 2007

NCPDA Statement
Contact: Nasser Rashidi
Dir. Tel: 202-487-6989
August 24th, 2007
The Fate of Iraqi Democracy in the Hands of an Extremist Government
It has become abundantly clear the Mr. Malaki’s government has failed to embrace democratic virtues and bring about reconciliation and peace to Iraq. Senator Carl Levin and Senator John Warner have offered the most unambiguous assessment of […]

NCPDA Statement – May 25, 2007

NCPDA Statement
Contact: Nasser Rashidi
Dir. Tel: 202-487-6989
May 25, 2007
Oppression of Women and Spread of Islamic Extremism
In recent months, the Iranian women have been the subject of an alarmingly violent crackdown on their basic human rights. Pictures and the story of bloodied and harassed Iranian women fill the pages of many website, blogs, and news outlets (Middle […]

Appeasing the Ayatollahs and the Perils of Ignoring History

Dr. Majid Sadeghpour
It was June 8, 2000; the United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) was the venue. “Iran is still the most egregious state-sponsor of terrorism, despite the election of a reformist president. Elements of the Iranian Government use terrorism as a policy tool, assassinating Iranian dissidents at home and abroad and giving […]

NCPDA Statement – March 17, 2004

NCPDA Statement
March 17, 2004
Human Rights Activists Sacrificed in Political Deals
While Iran under the religious dictatorship has one of the worst human rights records and is the leading sponsor and supporter of terrorism and fundamentalism, the fate of the political prisoners there are ignored during political deals.
On a daily basis, press reporters are jailed, Iranian youths […]