February 24, 2025

Iranian Opposition isn’t Terrorist

The Long Beach resident is president of the California Society for Democracy in Iran
Posted: June 10, 2008
The most noble of all activism is that which pursues peace. As humanity struggles with war, terrorism, and threat of nuclear proliferation, peaceful movements must not succumb to a limited vision or be passive. Peace requires activism […]

Nasser Sharif: Iranian opposition isn’t terrorist

Nasser Sharif
OC Register
The most noble of all activism is that which pursues peace. As humanity struggles with war, terrorism, and threat of nuclear proliferation, peaceful movements must not succumb to a limited vision or be passive. Peace requires activism against tyrants and warmongers because failure to do so will invite war. America’s standoff with Iran […]

Iran Watch – May 16, 2008

[spoiler title=”Don’t enable Iran’s offenses”]
Don’t enable Iran’s offenses
Congressman Bob Filner and Lord Corbett
Mercury News
Peace movements always struggle with the balancing act of wanting to engage enemies without appeasing them. Peace activists don’t want war, but they also recognize that peace at any price can be costly. In the case of Iran, these choices are becoming […]

Don’t enable Iran’s offenses

Mercury News
Bob Filner & Lord Corbett
Posted: May 15, 2008
Peace movements always struggle with the balancing act of wanting to engage enemies without appeasing them. Peace activists don’t want war, but they also recognize that peace at any price can be costly. In the case of Iran, these choices are becoming painful and difficult.
The peace movement […]

Iran Watch – February 1, 2008

[spoiler title=”Sanctions coupled with support for the Iranian people to bring democracy to Iran”]
By David Amess, British MP
January 26, 2008 The Conservative Home
Tensions between Iran and the international community have always been over the three major issues of human rights abuses, the Iranian regime’s widespread support for terrorism, and its nuclear weapons programme. The latter […]

Appeasing the Ayatollahs and the Perils of Ignoring History

Dr. Majid Sadeghpour
It was June 8, 2000; the United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) was the venue. “Iran is still the most egregious state-sponsor of terrorism, despite the election of a reformist president. Elements of the Iranian Government use terrorism as a policy tool, assassinating Iranian dissidents at home and abroad and giving […]