February 24, 2025

Urging Iran to Respect the Fundamental Freedoms of its Citizens

Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of State
Washington, DC
August 10, 2010
The United States is deeply concerned that Iran continues to deny its citizens their civil rights and intimidate and detain those Iranians who seek to hold their government accountable and stand up for the rights of their fellow citizens.
We remain troubled by the case of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, […]

Iran: Death penalty/ Fear of imminent execution

Amnesty International
Posted: December 11, 2007

Ali Mahin Torabi has been convicted of a murder committed when he was 16 years old and is now at risk of imminent execution, though Iran is
a state party to international treaties including the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), which expressly prohibit the execution of
child offenders. Ali Mahin […]