February 24, 2025

Howard Dean on US Policy on Iran: “I think we have it backwards”

Former Vermont Governor  & DNC Chairman Howard Dean has branded Iran under mullahs rule as a ‘terrorist state’ whose ideology is not religious but entirely political.

In an interview with Bloomberg TV, Mr. Dean noted that US policy on Iran needed an overhaul and that the US had cut off Iranian dissidents while giving billions of […]

Anglican Church leader concerned about Iraq’s Camp Ashraf

Sun Sep 20, 2009 9:29am EDT
LONDON (Reuters) – The spiritual head of the Anglican Church expressed concern Sunday about Iranian exiles living in a camp in Iraq, saying they faced “human rights violations” that needed to be addressed urgently. Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams said both the United States and the Iraqi government had a […]

Iran’s Lessons: Shouldn’t ‘realism’ mandate regime change?

The Washington Post Editorials
EACH DAY Iran’s extremist regime offers the world new lessons in its true nature. Yesterday we heard the cynicism of the Guardian Council, which announced that this month’s presidential election, in the words of its spokesman, “was the cleanest we have ever had.” On Thursday the belligerent arrogance of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad […]

Iran: Preserve the Khavaran grave site for investigation into mass killings

January 20, 2009
Amnesty International calls on the Iranian authorities to immediately stop the destruction of hundreds of individual and mass, unmarked graves in Khavaran, south Tehran, to ensure that the site is preserved and to initiate a forensic investigation at the site as part of a long-overdue thorough, independent and impartial investigation into mass […]

Iran Watch – December 29, 2008

[spoiler title=”UN General Assembly condemns rights abuses in Iran”]
December 19, 2008
Iran Focus
London, Dec. 19 – The United Nations General Assembly accused Iran on Thursday of continuing the practice of torture and punishments such as flogging, stoning and amputation of limbs. The UNGA adopted a Canadian-sponsored resolution by a vote of 69 in favour to 54 […]

Iranian Opposition isn’t Terrorist

The Long Beach resident is president of the California Society for Democracy in Iran
Posted: June 10, 2008
The most noble of all activism is that which pursues peace. As humanity struggles with war, terrorism, and threat of nuclear proliferation, peaceful movements must not succumb to a limited vision or be passive. Peace requires activism […]

Nasser Sharif: Iranian opposition isn’t terrorist

Nasser Sharif
OC Register
The most noble of all activism is that which pursues peace. As humanity struggles with war, terrorism, and threat of nuclear proliferation, peaceful movements must not succumb to a limited vision or be passive. Peace requires activism against tyrants and warmongers because failure to do so will invite war. America’s standoff with Iran […]

Iran Watch – May 16, 2008

[spoiler title=”Don’t enable Iran’s offenses”]
Don’t enable Iran’s offenses
Congressman Bob Filner and Lord Corbett
Mercury News
Peace movements always struggle with the balancing act of wanting to engage enemies without appeasing them. Peace activists don’t want war, but they also recognize that peace at any price can be costly. In the case of Iran, these choices are becoming […]

Don’t enable Iran’s offenses

Mercury News
Bob Filner & Lord Corbett
Posted: May 15, 2008
Peace movements always struggle with the balancing act of wanting to engage enemies without appeasing them. Peace activists don’t want war, but they also recognize that peace at any price can be costly. In the case of Iran, these choices are becoming painful and difficult.
The peace movement […]

Iran Watch – January 18, 2008

[spoiler title=”OP-ED: Baroness Gibson of Market Rasen”]
Middle East Times
January 17, 2008
West should tackle Iran’s ruthless rulers:
Throughout recent years the Iranian regime and its activities in relation to terrorism and nuclear weapons have caused frenzy across not only the political world, but also the media. However, the evil nature of this regime should not be anything […]