February 24, 2025

Iran Watch – February 1, 2008

[spoiler title=”Sanctions coupled with support for the Iranian people to bring democracy to Iran”]
By David Amess, British MP
January 26, 2008 The Conservative Home
Tensions between Iran and the international community have always been over the three major issues of human rights abuses, the Iranian regime’s widespread support for terrorism, and its nuclear weapons programme. The latter […]

Iran Watch – October 19, 2007

[spoiler title=”Time to bring Iran’s PMOI opposition in from the cold”]

Henry Jackson Think Tank Website
By Brian Binley MP
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY, 11th October 2007
The Iranian regime brutalizes its own citizens through human rights abuses, operates an aggressive foreign policy towards its neighbouring states and is developing nuclear weapons as a strategic menace. All three of these aspects […]

Iran Watch – September 7, 2007

[spoiler title=”Iraq, MEK and US Retreat”]
by James Zumwalt
Human Events
For 17 years before the US invasion of Iraq, a lion roamed the border, foraging into Iran on occasion before returning to its Iraqi safe haven. Its prey was the Iranian mullahs’ elite military force — the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). It enjoyed tremendous hunting prowess, […]

Dr. H. Akbari Meeting Remarks as written – UN Plaza NYC

Dear Rabbi Zucker, distinguished Guests, dear Friends, progressive press members, ladies and gentlemen:
The Iranian people have been experiencing the oppression and terror of the Islamic republic of mullah’s right after its inception in 1979. They have not been able to practice their rights and choice to dress, speak, eat, drink, write, vote, pray, dance, love, […]

NCPDA Press Release – March 7, 2004

NCPDA Press Release
Contact: 202-487-6989
National Coalition of Pro-democracy Advocates
March 7, 2004
NCPDA calls teachers’ societies, unions and NGOs in different countries to support Iranian teachers’ strike
On Saturday March 6, 2004 large groups of teachers across the country will stage a strike and not teach classes. The National Coalition of Pro-Democracy Advocates hails Iranian teachers across the country […]