February 24, 2025

VOA Interview with Mr. Nasser Rashidi – The Earthquake in Bam

This interview was originally conducted in Persian. It has been translated to English by NCPDA volunteers
Text of Voice of America (VOA) interview with Executive Director of NCPDA
On November 29th, 2003, the UN Third Committee, the human rights advocate branch of the UN, passed the Canadian-drafted resolution that was co-sponsored by the United States and ten […]

VOA interview with Executive Director of NCPDA

This interview was originally conducted in Persian. It has been translated to English by NCPDA volunteers
Parichehr Farzaam (VOA): Thank you for joining us, please update us about the conclusion of your press conference in New York. This press conference has been held exactly three weeks after the UN condemnation of the Iranian Regime on the basis […]