March 9, 2025

Iranian Students Clash With Police

The New York Times
December 8, 2009
BEIRUT, Lebanon — Thousands of people rallied against the government on Monday at universities across Iran, defying a wide-ranging effort to suppress the protests and bringing a new ferocity to the opposition movement’s confrontation with the state.
The protests, taking place on National Student Day, […]

Can the Obama administration deliver the tough Iran sanctions it has pledged?

IRAN HAS finally offered its response to an international call for negotiations on its nuclear program, ahead of a late September deadline set by the Obama administration. But the “package of proposals” Tehran delivered to representatives of the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council and Germany on Wednesday did not even address its continuing […]

Iran’s Lessons: Shouldn’t ‘realism’ mandate regime change?

The Washington Post Editorials
EACH DAY Iran’s extremist regime offers the world new lessons in its true nature. Yesterday we heard the cynicism of the Guardian Council, which announced that this month’s presidential election, in the words of its spokesman, “was the cleanest we have ever had.” On Thursday the belligerent arrogance of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad […]

A Supreme Leader Loses His Aura as Iranians Flock to the Streets

Roger Cohen
New York Times
TEHRAN — The Iranian police commander, in green uniform, walked up Komak Hospital Alley with arms raised and his small unit at his side. “I swear to God,” he shouted at the protesters facing him, “I have children, I have a wife, I don’t want to beat people. Please go home.”
A man […]

Draft Resolution Supporting Iranian Election Protests Gains Support

Draft Resolution Supporting Iranian Election Protests Gains Support
By Caitlin Webber, CQ Staff
When House Republicans pushed a draft resolution supporting Iranian protestors Tuesday, critics said they were seeking political points against a circumspect President Obama.
But when House Democrats signed onto the effort Thursday night, getting an apparent green light for […]

Exiled group says race on in Iran to build bomb

PARIS (Reuters) – Iran will redouble efforts to build an atomic bomb following Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s victory in a presidential election but
could still be deterred by tough sanctions, the head of an exiled Iranian group said Saturday.
Maryam Rajavi, leader of the French-based National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), told Reuters that Western powers had to […]

Inside Iran’s secretive Qods Force

Claude Salhani
Since 2003 Iran has spent billions of dollars in Iraq, mobilized vast government resources and unleashed the Qods Force of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, all in an effort to spread its hegemony and the Islamic revolution, according to sources in the Iranian resistance. In a speech U.S. President George W. Bush delivered on […]

Iranians named over Buenos Aires bombing

Iran Focus
Tim Shipman & Phillip Sherwell
The Sunday Telegraph
Posted: November 11, 2007

Iran’s deputy defence minister is one of five top Teheran officials placed on Interpol’s most wanted list for the 1994 bombing of a Jewish centre in Argentina that killed 85 people, The Telegraph can reveal.
Ahmad Vahidi, a brigadier-general in the elite Islamic Revolutionary Guards, […]