February 24, 2025

To only say Iranian nukes are unacceptable is to accept them

The Washington Post
By William Kristol
Sunday, March 28, 2010; A15
In March 1936, Hitler occupied the Rhineland. The French prime minister, Leon Blum, denounced the act as “unacceptable.” But France, Britain and the rest of the world accepted it. Years later, the French political thinker Raymond Aron commented, “To say that something is unacceptable was to […]

U.S. reportedly gives billions to firms doing business with Iranian regime

Monday, 08 March 2010
Washington (Reuters) – The U.S. government, while pushing for tougher sanctions against Tehran, has given $107 billion in the past 10 years to U.S. and foreign companies doing business in Iran, much of it in the energy sector, the New York Times reported in its Sunday editions.
Despite the threat of punishment for […]

Bipartisan Senate Coalition Urges President: Sanction Iran Now

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senators John McCain (R-AZ), Evan Bayh (D-IN), Jon Kyl (R-AZ), Joe Lieberman (I-CT), Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Robert Casey (D-PA), Johnny Isakson (R-GA), Ben Cardin (D-MD), and David Vitter (R-LA) sent a letter to President Obama today, warning that his own year-end deadline for diplomacy with Iran has now expired, and that it […]

Enough Is Enough

Why we can no longer remain on the sidelines in the struggle for regime change in Iran.
by Richard N. Haass
January 21, 2010 7:0 PM EST
Two schools of thought have traditionally competed to determine how America should approach the world. Realists believe we should care most about what states do beyond their borders—that influencing their foreign […]

U.S. Moves to Seize Properties Tied to Iran

The New York Times
November 12, 2009
Federal prosecutors in Manhattan began legal action on Thursday to seize properties in Queens and across the country where several mosques are located in a broad move against a nonprofit organization that was accused of illegally providing money and other services to Iran. The organization, the Alavi Foundation, […]

Can the Obama administration deliver the tough Iran sanctions it has pledged?

IRAN HAS finally offered its response to an international call for negotiations on its nuclear program, ahead of a late September deadline set by the Obama administration. But the “package of proposals” Tehran delivered to representatives of the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council and Germany on Wednesday did not even address its continuing […]

Morgenthau vs. Tehran

If only the CIA were as effective against Iran as Manhattan’s D.A.
There’s good news, and some really bad news, about Iran’s efforts to evade U.S. sanctions and infiltrate the U.S. financial system. The good news is that Manhattan District Attorney Robert Morgenthau’s indictment this week of the Chinese firm LIMMT and its principal Li Fang […]

How Europe’s Companies Are Feeding Iran’s Bomb

By Benjamin Weinthal
Wall Street Journal
While the U.S. has ratcheted up its efforts to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear arms, the Islamic Republic is reaping a windfall from European companies. These firms’ deals aid a regime that is bent on developing nuclear weapons and which financially supports the terror organizations Hamas and Hezbollah.
The Austrian oil giant […]

What to do about the Iranian threat

By Alireza Jafarzadeh
A multitude of foreign policy challenges, perhaps chief among them how to deal with the ayatollahs’ regime in Iran, awaits President-elect Barack Obama.
The global consequences of a nuclear-armed theocratic regime with an extremist, expansionist ideology were not lost on candidate Obama. He expressed a keen awareness that as president he must confront Tehran’s […]

NCPDA Statement – July 30, 2007

NCPDA Statement
Contact: Nasser Rashidi
Dir. Tel: 202-487-6989
July 30, 2007
Encouraging Signs: Divestment from and Democracy for Iran
The United House of Representatives has begun debate on legislation requiring divestiture of current investments in Iran. Led by bipartisan group of representatives including Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Tom Lantos, Subcommittee Chair, Brad Sherman, and ranking republican Ms. Ros-Lehtinen, U.S. Congress […]