January 31, 2025

The Time Has Come: Democratic Regime Change by Iranian people

By Majid Sadeghpouri
Reaffirming a strategically formulated policy, Iran’s newly installed president Ahmadinejad recently delivered yet another defiant speech against the European nuclear stakeholder which his like would usually reserve for the U.S. Among other remarks, Ahmadinejad had previously commented on his view that the Israeli nation should be “wiped off the map”. In his recent […]

Voice of America’s Live interview with Nasser Rashidi

VOA Host: Normally at this point in the program we pose a question to the listeners and ask them to respond to us within 30 minutes. Since you have not heard the question yet and are here as our guest and expert, let me ask you the same thing: “The committee for the defense of […]

Iranian Mullahs Move To Consolidate Power

By Nasser Rashidi
Iran is on the verge of being referred to the United Nations Security Council for its now well-documented violations of the
international nuclear proliferation treaties. Simultaneously, the Canadian government has again sponsored a draft U.N.
resolution citing specific cases of human rights violations by the fundamentalist regime of Iran. For the past 25 years, the
international […]

Iranian Mullahs Move To Consolidate Power

By Nasser Rashidi
Iran is on the verge of being referred to the United Nations Security Council for its now well-documented violations of the
international nuclear proliferation treaties. Simultaneously, the Canadian government has again sponsored a draft U.N.
resolution citing specific cases of human rights violations by the fundamentalist regime of Iran. For the past 25 years, the
international […]

Iran: The Rise of the Revolutionary Guard and State-Sponsorship of Terror

Nasser Rashidi
A few years ago, the world was awakened to the dangers of the mullahs’ nuclear program by an opposition group. Since then,
faced with more recent regional events, international consciousness has come to better appreciate the extent of Iran’s
involvement in terrorist activities abroad, its nuclear ambitions, and its interference in Iraq, Lebanon and Israel-Palestine. It
was […]

NCPDA Press Release – April 20, 2005

NCPDA Press Release
Contact: 202-487-6989
National Coalition of Pro-democracy Advocates
April 20, 2005
A plea to dispatch the investigative branch of the United Nations to stop the massacre of our countrymen in Khuzestan.
News accounts from in and around the city of Ahwas describe continued widespread confrontation of Arab-Iranians with the oppressive forces of the regime, especially in the region of […]

NCPDA Press Release – 04/20/05

April 20, 2005
A plea to dispatch the investigative branch of the United Nations to stop the massacre of our countryman in Khuzestan. News accounts from in and around the city of Ahwas describe continued widespread confrontation of Arab-Iranians with the oppressive forces of the regime, especially in the region of Koot Abdolah. Khuzestan’s brave men […]

An Invterview with Dr. Haydar Akbari (NCPDA Chairman) and Mr. Nasser Rashidi

Voice of America Interview
This interview was originally conducted in Persian. It has been translated to English by NCPDA volunteers
Interview was primarily in Farsi, and was later translated to English by NCPDA’s volunteers.
The following interview was performed at 9:30pm Sat Dec. 27th and was broadcast live for one hour. The sound
byte of this interview is available […]

An Invterview with Dr. Haydar Akbari (NCPDA Chairman) and Mr. Nasser Rashidi

This interview was originally conducted in Persian. It has been translated to English by NCPDA volunteers
Interview was primarily in Farsi, and was later translated to English by NCPDA’s volunteers.
The following interview was performed at 9:30pm Sat Dec. 27th and was broadcast live for one hour. The sound byte of this interview is available on VOA’s […]

Dr. H. Akbari Meeting Remarks as written – UN Plaza NYC

Dear Rabbi Zucker, distinguished Guests, dear Friends, progressive press members, ladies and gentlemen:
The Iranian people have been experiencing the oppression and terror of the Islamic republic of mullah’s right after its inception in 1979. They have not been able to practice their rights and choice to dress, speak, eat, drink, write, vote, pray, dance, love, […]